Comparative Genomics, Illinois

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


An Integrated High Resolution Porcine RH Map For Genome Assembly

Wan-Sheng Liu , Katie Eyer , Hiroshi Yasue , Hideki Hiraiwa , Takeshi Shimogiri , Benjamin Roelofs , Earl Landrito , Joseph Ekstrand , Michael Treat , Nicole Paes , Mark Lemos , Amy Griffith , Stacey N. Meyers , Martine Yerle , Denis Milan , Jonathan E. Beever , Lawrence B. Schook , Anette Rink , Craig W. Beattie


We are constructing high-resolution comprehensive maps for the pig genome using the WG-IMNpRH212,000rad panel to provide a “scaffold” for the rapid assembly of the porcine genome sequence. We have currently assigned ~8000 markers on the IMNpRH212,000rad panel. An additional 2,000 primers for annotated (known) genes are available and will be typed on the IMNpRH212,000rad panel by early spring 2007 for a total of ~10,000 markers. This includes ~2360 MS’s, 2140 ESTs, 3370 genes, 1990 BESs and 140 SNPs. All of the BESs (Meyers et al. 2005) mapped during the construction of BAC fingerprint contigs (FPC) (, along with ~750 of the MSs and 2200 of the ESTs/genes are also ordered on the 7000-rad RH panel (IMpRH). We plan to add as many additional EST/gene sequences to the map by early 2008. The data set merging function of the CarthaGene software allowed us to construct parallel framework maps for both panels. In either case, linkage groups were formed with a LOD score of 10 and a framework map of each linkage group built at LOD 3. As the order of the common markers on both framework maps is identical, we are able to integrate the IMNpRH212,000rad and IMpRH7000rad maps as well as the BAC fingerprint contig (FPC) map, identifying and closing gaps between contigs prior to assembly. The simultaneous construction and integration of low (~47 kb/cR7000) and high (~15 kb/cR12,000) resolution maps allows us to incorporate mapping vectors provided by other groups previously not available for incorporation. Comparative (human) and comprehensive maps linked to porcine cytogenetic, genetic and FPC maps are also under development. This work was supported by USDA, CSREES (No. 2004-35205-14244).