Comparative Genomics, Illinois

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Peer Reviewed Articles

An integrated RH map of porcine chromosome 10

Jian-Gang Ma, Hiroshi Yasue, Katie E Eyer, Hideki Hiraiwa, Takeshi Shimogiri, Stacey N Meyers, Jonathan E Beever, Lawrence B Schook, Craig W Beattie and Wan-Sheng Liu

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Whole genome radiation hybrid (WG-RH) maps serve as "scaffolds" to significantly improve the orientation of small bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs, order genes within the contigs and assist assembly of a sequence-ready map for virtually any species. Here, we report the construction of a porcine: human comparative map for pig (Sus scrofa) chromosome 10 (SSC10) using the IMNpRH212,000-rad porcine WG-RH panel, integrated with the IMpRH7000-rad WG-RH, genetic and BAC fingerprinted contig (FPC) maps.