Date: 7/24/2006
Title: First Newsletter
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Pig Tales, the Official Newsletter of the Pig Genome Sequencing Project! This quarterly newsletter has been developed by the International Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium to permit the broadest distribution of information on the pig genome project. It is our hope that through this newsletter this website the fullest utility of the sequence information can be achieved...
Title: First Newsletter
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Pig Tales, the Official Newsletter of the Pig Genome Sequencing Project! This quarterly newsletter has been developed by the International Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium to permit the broadest distribution of information on the pig genome project. It is our hope that through this newsletter this website the fullest utility of the sequence information can be achieved...
Date: 12/11/2006
Title: Second Newsletter
The SGSC was hosted by Denis Milan in Toulouse, France on October 17 and 18. Sean Humphray, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI), gave a detailed overview of the strategy and progress to date of the pig sequencing project. A clone-by-clonesequencing strategy, based on the minimum tiling ...
Title: Second Newsletter
The SGSC was hosted by Denis Milan in Toulouse, France on October 17 and 18. Sean Humphray, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI), gave a detailed overview of the strategy and progress to date of the pig sequencing project. A clone-by-clonesequencing strategy, based on the minimum tiling ...