Confocal Raman Spectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscope and Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscope- from WITec Alpha 300 Series
The WITec Alpha 300 RA Raman-AFM-SNOM system provides a state-of-the-art confocal Raman imaging, together with AFM and SNOM capabilities in one system. The system based is on an upright microscope from 10-100x objectives with VIS and NIR spectrometers 450nm-1100nm. It has three excitation wavelengths 488, 532 and 785nm. One can use any other microscopy system in the Core Facilites including Superresolution systems and overlay Raman spectroscopy images for correlative purposes. Examples are provided below.
The software helps analyze the data efficiently to identify peaks and interpret.
Offline full-version of the image analysis software is available in the Yellowstone computer in the Core Facilities. Please fill out the training request form here.
Sample Data
Correlative Superresolution Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy of Human Kidney Stones
Sample Data
Correlative High-Resolution Widefield Brightfield Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy of Human Kidney Stones
The below image composite shows individual color coded Confocal Images of Raman components and corresponding spectra and the merged components overlaid on high resolution color brightfield images at different magnifications.
Correlative Raman and Atomic Force Microscopy
Contact and AC Modes
Correlative Raman and Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Superresolution microscopy down to 60 nm can be achieved with the WITec scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) alpha300 S. SNOM, as compared to other optical superresolution techniques such as STED or STORM which is not dependent on fluorescent tags or specialized laser excitation sources. The operation of the system is straightforward as various measurement procedures such as a high-speed automatic cantilever approach and adjustment can be controlled through the intuitive software.
TrueSurfaceTM Microscopy
With TrueSurface module Raman spectroscopy on rough, inclined, irregularly shaped and curvy samples are possible as it keeps focus on those contoured surfaces. It uses an advanced optical profilometer integrated with the system that provides simultaneous acquisition of topographic and chemical/molecular information.
Sample Data

Brochure and Manuals (pdfs)
Raman Protocols and Procedures
Free WITec Offline Software Download link-Please fill out the form at the end of this link to receive a download instructions.
Manufacturer: WITec Scientific Instrument and Technology GmbH, Germany
Equipment model: WITEC Alpha 300 RS
Location: Room 124 D, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Contact Person for Correlative and Confocal Raman: Austin Cyphersmith, 217-244-9654,
Contact Person for AFM and SNOM: Austin Cyphersmith, 217-244-9654,
Training Request: