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Ag + Energy

Ag and Energy

Our global environment includes the totality of living and non-living things that make up the world we live in. Work in our Institute advances understanding of how factors such as the changing global climate and human activities have and will continue to impact the environment, ecosystems, and individual species. Research in this area also focuses on the development of sustainable food and biofuel sources, environmental resources we cannot live without.

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Allie Arp is the Communications Manager for the RIPE Project.
As part of the Tansley Review, the trio discuss their own research in increasing Rubisco in sorghum, as shown in these 2023 field trials. The authors believe improving rubisco could be part of short-term, and long-term efforts to meet the growing global food demand. Credit: Coralie Salesse-Smith
Katherine Meacham-Hensold led work looking to improve the photorespiratory bypass of potato as a postdoctoral researcher in Don Ort’s lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
From left, ORNL’s Biruk Feyissa holds a five-month-old poplar tree expressing high levels of the BOOSTER gene, while colleague Wellington Muchero holds a tree of the same age with lower expression of the gene. Credit: Genevieve Martin/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
Professor and C.A. Ewing Chair of Crop Physiology Lisa Ainsworth / L. Bran Stauffer
Researchers start the first experiment with sugarcane in the greenhouse. Credit: John Hodge/CABBI