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Computational Genomics

Computational Genomics

The Computational Genomics Office at the IGB identifies and provides resources to support computational aspects of research at the Institute.

Research Services

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Spatial Omics Initiative

Spatial omics technologies can provide spatially resolved high-throughput genomic information in intact tissues and samples. The Spatial Omics Initiative aims to advance research in this area at the University of Illinois.

Learn More


Computational Microbial Genomics Working Group

New complex questions in microbial function and ecology are stretching the limits of existing computational analytical tools. The Microbial Genomics Working Group aims to bring together microbiologists and computational scientists to address this gap.

Spring 2024

The focus this semester will be on pan-genomics-type methods for handling the extreme diversity of microbial genomes. Trainees are encouraged to attend, give talks, meet other trainees from different backgrounds, and help kickstart collaborations!

Meetings will be in IGB 612 from 12 pm - 1 pm, lunch provided, on the following Fridays:

January 19, 2024: Introduction; slides, recording, and notes
February 16, 2024: Chris Fields, slides and recording
March 29, 2024: Ilan Shomorony, recording
April 26, 2024: Rachel Whitaker

Fall 2023

August 28, 2023: introductory slides and recording
September 25, 2023: discussion on methods in the microbiome field led by Chris Gaulke, recording
October 26, 2023 (Thursday): computational work in immunology led by Yiquan Wang of the Wu lab
November 27, 2023: discussion of this paper on mapping and analysis of short-read data with David Vereau and the Heath Lab

Join the mailing list if you are interested in getting updates. We’ve set up a Slack channel if you are interested in connecting with others. Contact us at with any other questions.


Research Services

AI and Genomics

The AI+Genomics seminar series aims bridge the gap between the realms of machine learning and biology. Tailored for graduate students and postdocs, this series aims to cultivate a collaborative environment where these two dynamic fields intersect. Our seminars serve as a unique space for fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, encouraging knowledge exchange, and igniting potential collaborations.

In Spring 2024, this group meets every Thursday from 12 - 1 pm in Everitt 1103, lunch provided. See the website here.


Student Opportunities


We are piloting a program to help themes at the IGB identify students of all levels to work on computational projects. Themes can generate text for ads, which we will use to recruit and screen candidates from across campus. The ad generator and further instructions can be found here, or email

We've also uploaded a list of students interested in getting involved at the IGB, along with their technical skills. See here. Please email if you'd like to contact one of the students.

For Students

Undergraduates can sign up for research course credit to pursue these opportunities. Hourly pay is a possibility for some of these projects.

Students who are interested in learning more about genomics can check out IGB's MOOC called Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life.

Current Opportunities

Please email with a cover letter and resume/CV. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

IGB Theme: Environmental Impact on Reproductive Health (EIRH)

Position Title: Research assistant
Principal Investigator: Jodi Flaws
Description:Study mediators of menopausal health using longitudinal biomarker and questionnaire data
Minimum commitment of 10 hours per week


  • Current MS or PhD student
  • Experience with or ability to quickly learn longitudinal data analysis at the level of Applied Longitudinal Analysis, by Garrett M. Fitzmaurice, Nan M. Laird, James H. Ware
  • Very strong communication skills
  • Available to attend weekly meetings with lab group and statistical mentor

Start date: Fall 2023




Dave Zhao

Sihai Dave Zhao

Director, Computational Genomics
GNDP  |  Computational Genomics
(217) 333-2167