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Scott H. Fisher Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems

The Scott H. Fisher Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems theme creates machines made of living cells that could serve as a solution to challenging real-world problems.

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Taher Saif, professor of mechanical sciences and engineering
Scott Fisher
Chamber flow simulation for particle adhesion for 220 nm particles (top) and for 750 nm particles (bottom). Larger particles show greater retention after the wash stage than smaller particles.
The researchers found that muscle with nerves released more of the brain-boosting factors than muscle without nerves. Pictured, from left: Professor Joon Kong and students Kai Yu Huang, Yujin An and Sehong Kang.
The five new members are, from left: Nancy M. Amato, Rashid Bashir, Alison Bell, Charles Gammie and Paul Selvin.