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Center for Genomic Diagnostics

The Center for Genomic Diagnostics employs new technologies to diagnose and treat diseases at a lower cost.

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Biochemistry professor Nash Kalsotra
Brian Cunningham (left) wrote the foreword for IGB Fellow Seemesh Bhaskar’s (right) recently published book, “Nano-engineering at Functional Interfaces for Multidisciplinary Applications.” / Isaac Mitchell
Illinois researchers developed a nanorobotic hand made of DNA that can grab viruses for detection or inhibition. In this artist’s rendering, three “NanoGripper” hands wrap around a COVID-19 virus.  Image courtesy of Xing Wang
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Brian Cunningham, Intel Alumni Endowed Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Ying Fang, professor of pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine (center) and lab members to develop portable point-of-use biosensor for detection of African swine fever virus in farm environments.
Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Huimin Zhao will lead a National Science Foundation iBioFoundry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.