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Ask the Director - Grants Edition


Friday, November 01



Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

Ask the Director - Grants Edition
Curious about what happens behind the scenes for the IGB to be awarded our grants?

The large and prestigious grants IGB is known for take a coordinated effort from many contributors. Hear the exclusive stories and ask your own questions of IGB Director Gene Robinson about how we get our grants, what it takes to maintain them, or anything else you might be curious about. 

Submit your questions here or live during the discussion.




For all IGB events, gender neutral bathrooms are available on floors 1 and 2 of the IGB gatehouse, open during the hours of 8am to12pm and 1pm to 5pm. A private lactation room for IGB-affiliated members is available by request, see the IGB reception desk for access. Baby changing stations are available in the restrooms on the concourse level. For specific needs, please contact

Who should attend?

Staff/Student/Postdoc only
Approved event for Civil Service



Use this link to submit now
or during the discussion



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