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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion icon

Launched in summer 2022, the award supports projects that showcase diverse ways of practicing science, provide ally training for researchers, create a culture of inclusion and wellness for IGB community members, and support members from underrepresented groups. Individuals or collaborative groups of faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students at the IGB are encouraged to apply.




Application submissions open: May 10, 2024 at 9:00 AM CST


Application submissions close: June 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM CST


What kinds of projects are we looking for?

  • Showcase diverse ways of practicing science by researchers from underrepresented communities
  • Provide training for researchers who are not underrepresented on how to be an ally/accomplice and provide consistent reminders of racism, sexism, and other inequities to scientists in the majority group who experience discrimination less frequently.
  • Create a culture of inclusion and wellness for IGB community members
  • Support members from underrepresented groups at the IGB
  • Support service, outreach, and/or education work performed by IGB researchers and staff


Proposals must go beyond invited seminar speakers or existing programming. Awards will be available for 16 months and can be used as the awardee sees fit but should not be used to pay summer salaries or to purchase any gift cards. At the end of the 16-month award period, awardees will be expected to submit a project summary and schedule a time to speak with the DEI Task Force about their project’s accomplishments during one of the biweekly Friday meetings.


Please submit a three-to-five-page proposal, including:

  • Project overview (2 pages)
  • Who will be working on the project (other university groups/labs and/or external partners) as well as if and how IGB staff support would be needed to implement the project (i.e., Outreach/Communications).
  • Proposed budget and justification (maximum of $10,000, 1 page). Sample budget can be found here.
  • Detailed timeline and desired outcomes (1 page)

All proposals will be reviewed by the IGB DEI Advisory Group.


Who can apply?
Individuals affiliated with IGB and/or collaborative groups of faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students. Groups that have non-IGB affiliated participants are also welcome.


Application submissions open May 10th at 9:00 AM CST and close June 21st at 5:00 PM CST.


For questions, please contact DEITF, and Brendan Harley,


Past DEI Award Winners


Frogs in Class: Using amphibians for ‘ribbiting’ community engagement
Emily Terrill, Graduate Student; Eva Fischer
Assistant Professor of Ecology and Behavior

Microaffirmations & Defining Time for Me
Melissa Flores, Graduate Student
Malavika Venu, Graduate Student

Beyond the R1: Providing Teaching Experiences for Women and Minorities at a Student-Serving/Teaching Institution
Christy Gibson, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Read Article



Surviving Grad School: A Student and Research-led Seminar Series
Graduate Biomedical Engineering Society

More Than an Internship: RIPE Mentorship Work Experience for Underrepresented Students
Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency

Read Article



I am new to campus and feel isolated in an unfamiliar setting. 
How do I connect with others?

Bring the IGB DEI Task Force your questions and join the conversation to come up with solutions.