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The Biosystems Design theme engineers microorganisms and plants to help overcome hurdles in health and sustainability.

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Nilmani Singh, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Professor Huimin Zhao, and Yujie Yuan developed the automated platform FAST-NPS to accelerate bioactive natural product discovery. / Isaac Mitchell
As part of the Tansley Review, the trio discuss their own research in increasing Rubisco in sorghum, as shown in these 2023 field trials. The authors believe improving rubisco could be part of short-term, and long-term efforts to meet the growing global food demand. Credit: Coralie Salesse-Smith
Sabrina Abdulla is a microbiologist working in education and outreach. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, baking, and doing aerial sports.
Highly cited researchers this year at Illinois are, clockwise from top left: Ed Deiner, Brent Roberts, Atul Jain, Axel Hoffmann, Stephen Long and Kaiyu Guan.  Photos by L. Brian Stauffer and Fred Zwicky
NSF to invest nearly $10M in ASAP Global Center
NSF to invest $5M to the Reliable and Scalable Biofoundries for Biomanufacturing and Global Bioeconomy