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Genomic Ecology of Global Change

The Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme develops new crops and management methods to maintain agricultural ecosystems in the face of a changing climate.

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From left, ORNL’s Biruk Feyissa holds a five-month-old poplar tree expressing high levels of the BOOSTER gene, while colleague Wellington Muchero holds a tree of the same age with lower expression of the gene. Credit: Genevieve Martin/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
Prominent global change scientist joins crop sciences, plant biology
Highly cited researchers this year at Illinois are, clockwise from top left: Ed Deiner, Brent Roberts, Atul Jain, Axel Hoffmann, Stephen Long and Kaiyu Guan.  Photos by L. Brian Stauffer and Fred Zwicky
NSF to invest nearly $10M in ASAP Global Center
CABBI Director Andrew Leakey, right, and Postdoctoral Researcher Daniel Lunn with sugarcane, miscanthus, and sorghum plants in the CABBI greenhouse at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
From left: Alex Lipka and Geoffrey Morris