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The Communications Office at the IGB provides marketing, media, and public relations support for the Institute. The office offers communications services for conferences and events, publications, advertisements, and other promotions. We also offer developmental editing, maintain the IGB Web site, and help to publicize research findings and facilitate media placement.

Communications Services


IGB Grant and Proposal Support Services

Members of the Communications office and the Business office are available to assist you in creating and submitting your grant proposals and outreach programs.

Learn more about the services and support available by visiting the Proposal Development Team page.

Thinking of including graphics in your grant submission? View our guide for requesting graphic services.

Press Releases and Research News

The IGB Communications office can work with you to share your research with appropriate media outlets.

Looking to publicize a recent publication or other newsworthy item? Contact us

Need help talking to the press? See our tips on Speaking with the Media.

Sketch Talks - Networking or Non-Scientific Audience Presentations

For IGB faculty presenting at networking events or other relationship-building opportunities with alumni, donors, or industry leaders, we have prepared the following guidelines designed to maximize your impact with these audiences. 

We have developed an approach called a “sketch talk,” a one slide presentation aimed at individuals who have no scientific training or background, that will deliver a clear takeaway through the use of a compelling image and a narrative content structure. 

Visit our Sketch Talk page for a step-by-step guide.



Powerpoint templates

Download a copy of the IGB powerpoint template for IGB-branded slides and photo options. 

IGB powerpoint template

Looking for non-IGB templates? 
The campus office of Strategic Communications and Marketing provides several branded powerpoint options for general use. 

IGB Seminar Template

For general IGB seminar posters, please use the provided seminar template.

poster template

IGB Wordmark and University Logos

The campus office of Strategic Communications and Marketing has released versions of the IGB wordmark that are to be used to maintain current brand standards. If you would like to include an IGB wordmark or campus logo please contact us.

Office nameplates

To create or update an office nameplate, please use the appropriate template below.

IGB office Nameplate template

IGB Cubical Nameplate template

Oversize Nameplate Template (Conference Rooms)



    Read the latest IGB Annual Report


    IGB Annual Report


    Read the latest Biomarker, the IGB annual magazine




Explore All Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

Science ⇌ Society

The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology represents the collaborative and multidisciplinary environment that the University of Illinois prides itself in. We are all inspired by the cutting-edge research that serves as a beacon to researchers across the globe. –Robert J. Jones; Chancellor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


2022 Annual Report



“When the Institute for Genomic Biology first opened its doors, we were a dream; we were a vision; we were an inspiration; we were an idea.”
IGB Inaugural Annual Report, ‘Defining Who We Are’ introduction, June 2012


2021 Annual Report

Together into the Unknown

Together into the Unknown

15 themes; 40 departments; over 200 faculty members and affiliates; and countless postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. From a distance, it might be hard to see how all our moving parts function as one entity. But if you take a closer look, you will find the common threads that bind us together as we solve difficult challenges. You will also see how, regardless of who we are and where we come from, we are united in our love of the unknown.


2020 Annual Report

Stories Revealed: Rediscovering Us

Stories Revealed: Rediscovering Us

Scientific endeavors may sometimes be considered impersonal or dispassionate. But we often forget the human stories that make such efforts possible. This year, we are illuminating individuals who have persevered through challenges posed by the pandemic. Their experiences emphasize the resilience, compassion, and resourcefulness within us. Although each story is unique, they collectively highlight the universality of what makes each and every one of us human.


2019 Annual Report

Experiencing science in our everyday lives

Experiencing science in our everyday lives (online)

As we go about our daily lives, we are faced with endless decisions, both large and small. The choices we make are influenced by a multitude of factors. But how often are we aware of the science that lies behind the options we are presented with and the thought processes we use to weigh them?

In this year’s Annual Report, you will be transported into everyday scenarios that reveal the interconnectivity between genomics and the world around us. From an ordinary trip to the grocery store to a hike in the park, you will uncover the science behind familiar objects and discover that science permeates everyday lives.

As we were all working from home and receiving mail was restricted, this Annual Report was created to be online. An accompanying piece was printed.


2018 Annual Report

Bringing Hidden Narratives to Light

Bringing Hidden Narratives to Light

Fundamental scientific research is a quest for foundational truths of the natural world. Applied research is an effort to shape that knowledge into new solutions to the many challenges we face as a species and as a global ecosystem. Underlying these intertwined endeavors is the impulse to imagine a future that is better than the present: one in which we know more about the world we inhabit and, as a result, enjoy longer, healthier, happier, and more sustainable lives.


2017 Annual Report

Redefining Life's Limitations

Redefining Life's Limitations: 10 Years and Counting

For 10 years our institute has sought answers both practical and fundamental: our search horizons extend from the smallest of particles to the broadest patterns of life itself. Join us as we highlight the markers from the previous 11 decade that guided us and revisit the most recent developments defining our future direction. Ten years means many things to us: a notable milestone, a worthwhile struggle, and perhaps most meaningfully, a promising beginning.


2016 Annual Report

Glimpses of Daily Life in the Sciences

Glimpses of Daily Life in the Sciences: Moments That Range From Routine to Adventurous, Methodical to Inspired, Microscopic to Universal

Communication about science often occurs at the culmination of a project or the attainment of a goal, even if an intermediary one. What if we could see the workings of science, not only in the moments of completion, but at the start, and in the more quiet and thoughtful interludes?

This Annual Report has plenty of stories of achievement—those moments are exciting, informative, and worthy of recognition. But we’ve also shared some glimpses of the most fundamental origins of science and of scientists, and the individual philosophies that keep researchers going when achievement feels like a distant goal. We hope that in the personal thoughts our members have shared, you may find an idea that speaks to you.


2015 Annual Report

Building Connections. Shaping Discoveries.

Building Connections. Shaping Discoveries.

Welcome to the IGB. Our Institute is a nexus for more than 130 faculty members and affiliates from over 30 different departments and units across campus. Here, they join hundreds of postdoctoral fellows, technicians, students, and staff to perform path-breaking research in genomics.

Step inside and see how the work we do today will reshape the world of tomorrow.


2014 Annual Report

Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

A year is defined by the passing of days, the changing of seasons. But each year is punctuated by events that break our routines, inspiring us to consider our roles in society. The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology is where science meets society, where we employ genomics to realize our vision of a healthier, more prosperous world in the coming years.


2013 Annual Report



As an institute on the front line of innovation, we embrace change. from reimagining the traditional lab space to creating interdisciplinary teams, we embody forward thinking each day as we conduct transformative research.

The past six years have taught us that while technologies and techniques may change, many aspects of this Institute will remain steadfast. Our commitment to advancing life sciences research and stimulating bioeconomic development. Our conviction in collaborative, interdisciplinary research. Our confidence in a thematic approach to tackling formidable problems facing our society.

This year, the Institute for Genomic Biology’s (IGB) progressive work has redefined the applications of genomics and its potential to provide bountiful food and fuel, robust health, and a sustainable environment.


2012 Annual Report

defining who we are.

defining who we are.

We live in a world of complex issues. Climate Change. Antibiotics. Biofuels. Scientists the world over pursue a deeper understanding of these issues. At the Institute for Genomic Biology, we believe the best way to answer these formidable questions is to undertake them together. We challenge convention, innovate, and get creative to discover solutions.Collaboration in a wide variety of disciplines is not simply a part of how we operate. It’s the core belief in a new way of thinking.




Nick Vasi

Nicholas Vasi

Executive Director of Communications and Engagement
Communications  |  Outreach
(217) 333-0873

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