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What follows are some helpful guidelines for the major considerations needed to create a seminar/conference website.

If you would like to use the IGB Communications department for assistance, here are a few steps to get started:

  • Contact us: Send an email to us with a brief outline of your needs, to determine if we are the best solution.
  • Provide an outline: Using the guidelines below, prepare an outline of the site and the proposed content. Determining specific deadlines will help greatly in creating a project timeline.

    Be advised that all content must be submitted 2 months prior to the launch date (not the event date) to allow for implementation, testing, and publishing.

  • Schedule a meeting: Members of the Communications department will meet with the event organizers to plan the site, determine a point of contact, and begin to plan the approach.



The following sections should minimally be included:

This section should contain a brief description of the event, including overview, goals, intended audience, and benefits to attendees.

Present a detailed listing of the schedule, including time, location, and summary. For example:

Monday, September 15
8:00am – 8:30am  Registration
8:30am – 9:00am  Welcome Remarks
Location: I Hotel Lobby, 1900 S. First Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820

Provide a method for attendees to submit information and reserve attendance for the event via a form. The form should include fields for Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email, but can include further details such as Organization, Affiliation, Special Concerns, Remarks, or the option to upload pdf materials (such as posters). 

Please note that to accept payment of any kind for fees in regard to registration, other campus units may need to be involved, which may add additional time to the approval process and subsequent launch of the site.

Provide one point of contact for questions or issues with registration. If not using a personal address, contact an IT professional to setup an alias email, such as



While not strictly necessary, consider adding additional sections such as the examples below to provide attendees with a broader range of information.

Present for each speaker of note a name and short bio. Decide if you will be including headshots, and obtain appropriate photography before submission. Photos should be clear, recent, and of sufficient size and resolution – 150 dpi or greater.

Include directions via major routes from the four compass points, or from prominent landmarks. Provide guidance for parking and warn of potential parking fees or regulations.

Determine if you will offer housing options for out of town visitors. Contact local hotels and obtain discounted rates for a block of reserved rooms.

Advisory Board
List the individuals who were involved with the event, including name and affiliation.

Include links to organizations affiliated with or otherwise supportive of the event.



If you are planning to create a custom URL, rather than hosting from an established website, plan to make that decision as early as possible. Consider if the site will be hosted via the University, or through a private registrar, which may impact the structure of the site. Custom URLs generally will cost additional money, and add several weeks to the project timeline.