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The image depicts human macrophages infected with Yersinia pestis Kim 5 (plague) 10:1 after 24 hours. Here DNA is blue, Y. pestis is green and bacterial death is marked in red. Prepared and visualized by Katie Van Etten (UIUC Anthropology, 2017) as part of the Brinkworth Evolutionary Immunology and Genomic lab's research into the evolution of human immune function.  Funded by NSF grant BCS-1750675.


Image preparation and photo credit: Katie Van Etten 

Others involved in the production of this image: Keaton McClure (MCB, 2019), Priya Bhatt (Anthropology, 2021), Will Widick (Vet Med, 2019), Alex Alvarado (Anthropology, 2021), Jessica F. Brinkworth (Anthropology, PI), Luis Barreiro (University of Chicago, Co-PI)

Instrument:  Zeiss LSM 700 four laser scanning confocal microscope, at Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology