The IGB Core Facilities hosts a seminar series covering the instrumentation and research taking place in the Core. The seminars are typically held from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, Room 612 (Concourse level). Please check the Lunch with the Core news posts and weekly email and weekly emails for the upcoming talks. Posted below are previous talks that have been recorded.
September 21, 2022 |
"PEG Microgels as Modular 3D Cell Scaffold and Cytokine Sensor" - Hyeon Ryoo, Graduate Student, Bioengineering Instrument - LSM 880 Hyeon's talk: |
September 28, 2022 |
"Exploring chloroplasts of C4 plants with microscopy" - Moonsub Lee, Postdoctoral Research Assoc., Plant Biology Moonsub's talk: |
October 5, 2022 |
"Emergent behavior and phase transition in cell-ECM systems mediated by long range cell-cell mechanical interaction" - Umnia Doha, PhD Student, Mechanical Science & Engineering Instrument: LSM 710 Umnia's talk: |
October 12, 2022 |
"Multimodule imaging of the hierarchical structure of equine hoof wall" -Mahmoud Mahrous, Civil Engineering PhD Student Instruments: SBF-SEM & X5000 CT Scanner Mahmoud's talk: |
October 26, 2022
"Introduction of the New Vevo F2 for Preclinical Imaging and Biomedical Engineering" - Sarah Burris, PhD & Bret Hawkins, FujiFilm Instrument: Vevo F2 Sarah & Bret's Talk: |
November 2, 2022
"MINFLUX: Tackling the Puzzle of Protein Reaction-Diffusion in Living Cells" - Yuhan Wang, Grad. Res. Asst., Chemistry & Gopika Gopan, Graduate Student, Chemistry Instrument: Minflux Yuhan & Gopika's talk: |
November 9, 2022
"Improving DATA Workflows" - Daniel Davidson, Director of CNRG and Research Computing Dan's talk: |