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New automated method increases the efficiency of bioactive natural product discovery

Katie Brady

From caffeine to penicillin, natural products have become a mainstay in modern society and are used for numerous applications such as medicine and pesticides. There are tens of…

Researchers develop enhanced method for wastewater surveillance of antibiotic resistance

Katie Brady

Antibiotic resistance is a global concern that threatens our ability to prevent and treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. To better monitor the emergence and spread…

IGB Profile: Allie Arp

Katie Brady

Allie Arp has always enjoyed writing and public speaking, so it comes as no surprise that she now finds herself working in communications. But young Allie would have never…

Nobel Laureate Thomas R. Cech to give IGB Distinguished Public Lecture

IGB Communications

Thomas R. Cech, PhD, Nobel Laureate and Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder will give the IGB Distinguished Public Lecture in Genomics "The…

Three Illinois professors named Sloan Research Fellows

Lois Yoksoulian

Three Illinois scientists are among 126 recipients of the 2025 Sloan Research Fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, including one from IGB. According to the…

Mutation increases enzyme in mouse brains linked to schizophrenia behaviors

Liz Ahlberg Touchstone

A genetic mutation found in two human patients with schizophrenia also increased schizophrenia-related behaviors in mice with the same mutation, a rare finding of a direct…

Long/Ort step back from RIPE leadership roles they helped create

Allie Arp

After decades of impactful and prolific research, two photosynthesis trailblazers are passing the torch, Stephen Long and Donald Ort are retiring from their leadership roles…

New study sheds light on liver maturation, specialization

Jeni Bushman

Researchers from the University of Illinois have identified a key process coordinating liver maturation and polyploidization, a state in which cells carry more than two sets of…

Rochelle Gutiérrez named to National Academy of Education

Ashley Lawrence

Rochelle Gutiérrez (CIS), a professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has been elected to the National Academy of…