IGB employees honored with Chancellor's Staff Excellence Award

Program manager Susan Thomas and lab manager Amy Ahmed have been awarded 2024 Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award recognizing exceptional performance at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / Michelle Hassel
Sixteen academic professionals and civil service staff members, including two from the IGB, have received the Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award recognizing exceptional performance at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. A CSEA committee recommends finalists, who are approved by Chancellor Robert Jones. Each awardee receives $1,500 and a commemorative award.
From the Administrative and Public Engagement category, Susan Thomas was recognized. When she started as a postdoctoral fellow in one of the earliest research themes at the IGB, Susan quickly recognized the importance of interdisciplinary work, its potential for broad impact and the need for high-level programmatic support that was trained with a vision for science in society. As a program manager for multiple IGB initiatives and programs, Susan has dedicated herself to this mission with selfless and strong leadership.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Susan was on the front line of what became SHIELD Illinois, a screening testing program and infrastructure designed to safely open schools and workplaces. Susan assisted in coordinating equipment movement, submitted RAPID proposals to support the collection of wastewater sampling technology and helped with the development of the Rockefeller Foundation return-to-school protocols that were adopted at the national level. In addition, she worked with a team of researchers to extend university resources to testing and support to the marginalized essential laborers in surrounding communities. This work included coordinating communication of faculty, students, staff volunteers, local community leadership groups and local and statewide officials at departments of public health.
Her integrity and focus on outcomes extend into complex negotiations on everything from budgets, space, scientific priorities, communication strategies, student success and conflict resolution. Susan’s dedication and support are what make research at the IGB and at our university proactive, impactful and relevant to the challenges of today.
From the Research category, Amy Ahmed was recognized. A research laboratory manager, Amy consistently goes the extra mile to ensure that work at the IGB goes as smoothly as possible. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she was instrumental in getting the right equipment prepped and ready for travel very quickly, so that it could be loaned to Carle Foundation Hospital until the equipment they ordered for this purpose arrived. Her efforts helped to provide for life-saving testing before there was a widespread testing protocol or option.
Amy works to educate herself on new research techniques as well as leadership, management and communication skills. Her work ethic and attention to detail make her a great asset in developing alternatives when hardships present themselves or when something critical needs to be done correctly the first time. Her efforts at the Bee Research Facility greatly assist researchers by providing the necessary equipment, allowing the research staff to begin working almost immediately while ensuring the health and welfare of the bees.
She is invaluable in taking new students and postdoctoral researchers from complete novices to performing complex molecular protocols. She removes many barriers to entry for students less accustomed to molecular work, while at the same time enabling them to build independence and confidence as they progress in their research. Ahmed is also adept at learning and troubleshooting new protocols, helping the lab stay at the cutting edge of genomics and contributing to the esteemed reputation of the lab and IGB.
Fourteen other employees were recognized, see the full list here.