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Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

News Archive

IGB partners with AfricaBP for inaugural cohort of leadership program

Katie Brady

The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology recently hosted its first scholar cohort as part of the African Biodiversity Fellowship for Emerging Genomics Leaders program,…

Scientists and faith leaders discuss gender at Genomics for Faith

Katie Brady

The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology recently hosted its latest workshop in the Genomics for Faith series. Supported by the Wayfarer Foundation, Genomics for Faith…

State Farm Center Unveils Concourse Art Installation in Conjunction with IGB

Brad Swanson

State Farm Center is excited to unveil a brand-new collaborative art installation with its campus partners at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. The artwork was…

World of Genomics Returns to Chicago

Katie Brady

Usually, the rotunda of the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago acts as a beautiful central space, teasing the museum’s different exhibits in all four directions…

Spotted Science in CU: Poison Dart Frogs Take Over Neil Street

Katie Brady

If you have recently driven down Neil Street, you may have noticed that some new, and colorful, neighbors moved in at Dixon Graphics. Alerted by the bright colors and patterns…

'Roots of Genomics' installation celebrates the diverse history within the field of genomics

Shelby Lawson

Explore the rich history of genomics in the latest installation inside the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, titled ‘Roots of Genomics’. This new artwork beckons…

Genomics workshop equips judges with knowledge to navigate emerging legal questions

Shelby Lawson

Advances in genomics research and technology are providing a more comprehensive understanding of how our genetic code interacts with our environment to influence our health,…

For middle schoolers at Pollen Power camp, curiosity blooms

Shelby Lawson

Plants are diverse organisms capable of communication, self-defense, and forming cooperative partnerships with insects; yet these remarkable abilities are often overlooked in…

Full STEAM ahead for science! Another year of STEAM TRAIN comes to completion

Shelby Lawson

What do marine ecosystems, worm regeneration, and a soccer-themed video game have in common? On the surface, perhaps nothing, but these are some of the fascinating projects…