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Stephen Long

Stephen Long has received the Marsh Award for Climate Change Research by the British Ecological Society, an annual award recognizing outstanding contributions to climate change

University of Illinois receives grant to study ozone resistance in corn

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received a five–year, $5.7 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop ozone-resistance in corn.

Illinois to Improve Crop Yield through Photosynthesis in New Global Effort

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received a five–year, $25-million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve the photosynthetic properties

Team solves mystery associated with DNA repair

Every time a human or bacterial cell divides it first must copy its DNA.

Doug Mitchell

Doug Mitchell (Mining Microbial Genomes) was named one of Genome Technology magazine's Seventh Annual Young Investigators for his work in toxin biosynthesis.

Proteins that work at the end of DNA could provide cancer insight

New insights into a protein complex that regulates the very tips of chromosomes could improve methods of screening anti-cancer drugs.

Cells power biological machines

They’re soft, biocompatible, about 7 millimeters long – and, incredibly, able to walk by themselves.

Study tracks brain gene response to territorial aggression

With a mate and a nest to protect, the male threespined stickleback is a fierce fish, chasing and biting other males until they go away.

Genome Day a great success!

Thank you to everyone who attended Genome Day, a day of learning about genomes, genes, DNA, and evolution at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum in Champaign on Saturday, Nove

Grant Establishes Bioinformatics Research Network in Africa

Victor Jongeneel, director of the High-Performance Biological Computing (HPCBio) program and affiliate of the Institute for Genomic Biology and the National Center for Supercomp

Grant Establishes a Pan-Continental Bioinformatics Network in Africa

Victor Jongeneel, director of the High-Performance Biological Computing (HPCBio) program at the University of Illinois, is a key participant in a grant awarded by the Human Here

Join us for Genome Day on November 3rd at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum

Join the IGB for for a day of learning about genomes, genes, DNA, and evolution at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum in Champaign on Saturday, November 3, 2012.