Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Art of Science: Images from the Institute for Genomic Biology exhibition. The Art of Science represents fulfilling all three of the University of Illinois’ missions: public engagement /research/education. Community members learn about some of the university’s research. Middle to high school students interact with scientists who create the images. Graduate student are introduced to each other with the possibility of increasing their collaborations in the lab. The Art of Science series is a shining example of the university’s commitment to a comprehensive public university.
Please complete this form so we have the correct information for the poster, handout, website, and publicity purposes.
The IGB is occasionally asked if researchers are interested in talking with middle to high school students about their research from the images.
If yes, then Claudia Lutz or Julia Pollack will contact you to give you details and to ask if you are available.
Claudia Lutz IGB Outreach Manager or Julia Pollack IGB Creative Manager
By submitting the form I do hereby consent to the use by the Institute for Genomic Biology and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign of the image and information regardless of whether these materials are used for publicity or any other purpose on behalf of either the university or its Foundation.
Thank you! We hope to see you at the opening reception!