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Nanotechnology-themed Forum Week has middle schoolers exploring big questions about the smallest particles

Shelby Lawson

Children are encouraged to follow their interests and think about what they want to be when they grow up. But the scope of the careers they imagine might be limited if they don…

Book tackles myths about science of menstruation

Diana Yates

A new book from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign anthropology professor Kathryn Clancy (EIRH) takes an unflinching look at the many ways humans have struggled – and…

A cold-specialized icefish species underwent major genetic changes as it migrated to temperate waters, new study finds

Shelby Lawson

Many animals have evolved to tolerate extreme environments, including being able to survive crushing pressures of ocean trenches, unforgiving heat of deserts, and limited…

Erik Nelson: A milestone in my career

Christine des Garennes

Several days following the Federal Drug Administration’s approval of a new cancer drug, Erik Nelson (ACPP) was still processing the news.

“It hasn’t sunk in yet that…

Evaluating the effect of manuka honey on collagen scaffolds

Ananya Sen

The bones of the face and skull can be affected due to a wide range of conditions, including cleft palate defects, traumatic injuries, cancer, and bone loss from dentures.…

Colby Behrens

Shelby Lawson

It would be challenging to find someone who became interested in animal behavior at a younger age than Colby Behrens, a current PhD candidate in the Evolution, Ecology, and…

Possible genetic basis and mouse model found for severe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Liz Ahlberg Touchstone

A mutant or damaged gene may be a cause of a severe, mysterious form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers have found. Mice…

Stop Making Cells: Study Advances Knowledge about Cell Regeneration

College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Wenyan Mei (MME) in the Department of Comparative Biosciences recently published a paper in the journal Nucleic Acids Research called “PTBP1 controls intestinal epithelial…

Researchers target prostate cancer with new, rapid biomarker detection method

CCIL Communications Team

The pivotal role of microRNA in diagnosing and monitoring cancer is well known by today’s researchers. “There have been a lot of studies in recent years linking the presence…