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Newborn piglets serve as a model for studying influenza

Ananya Sen

Although prevention and treatment strategies are available for influenza, they are not sufficient for vulnerable populations such as young children and newborns.

Study brings scientists a step closer to successfully growing plants in space

Lois Yoksoulian

New, highly stretchable sensors can monitor and transmit plant growth information without human intervention, re

Researchers identify key regulators underlying regeneration in Drosophila

Shelby Lawson

Some animals possess the remarkable ability to regenerate lost structures, exemplified by a lizard regrowing its tail.

New grant to study Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ananya Sen

Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have recently received a three-year commitment of $250,000 for examining Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

NIH grant to support research into connections between autism, sensory hypersensitivity

Lauren Otolski

Supported by a $2 million R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health, the Auerbach Lab at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology will examine how differ

Concerns of genetic determinism of behavior by linking environmental influences, genetic research

Shelby Lawson

It has long been known that there is a complex interplay between genetic factors and environmental influences in shaping behavior.

Mice study suggests metabolic diseases may be driven by gut microbiome, loss of ovarian hormones

Sharita Forrest

The gut microbiome interacts with the loss of female sex hormones to exacerbate metabolic disease, including weight gain, fat in the liver and the expression of genes linked wit

Erinn Dady

Ananya Sen

Over the past few decades, the food industry has increasingly leaned on the concept of molecular gastronomy—approaching cooking from the perspective of chemistry.

Machine learning used to classify fossils of extinct pollen

Shelby Lawson

In the quest to decipher the evolutionary relationships of extinct organisms from fossils, researchers often face challenges in discerning key features from weathered fossils, o