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Colby Behrens

Shelby Lawson

It would be challenging to find someone who became interested in animal behavior at a younger age than Colby Behrens, a current PhD candidate in the Evolution, Ecology, and Beha

IGB Profile: Victoria Kramer

Ananya Sen

If you walked into the RIPE HTPF, located on the southern part of the Illinois campus, the first thing you would notice is the never-ending rows of plants.

Remembering Carl Woese

Professor of microbiology and a founding member of the University’s Institute for Genomic Biology, Carl Woese was a giant among scientists.

Carl R. Woese Remembrances

Carl R.

Rachel Whitaker: Geography influences microbe genetic diversity

Most microbiologists sequence genes in order to determine what a given gene does.

Lisa Stubbs: Exploring What Makes Us Different

Lisa Stubbs, who joined the University of Illinois in March 2008, adds a key new dimension to IGB: an expertise in mouse genetics.

Bryan Endres: The Legal Implications of Biofuels, Other Crops

Bryan Endres’s exploration of the legal issues surrounding biofuels and genetically modified plants is tightly integrated with the efforts of IGB scientists to unlock the key to

Paul Kenis: Engineering Tools to Enable Biological Studies

Many members of the scientific community who know of Paul Kenis’ work in, among other things, microfuel cells, might be surprised to find him affiliated with the Regenerative Bi

Hyun Joon Kong: Revascularization in Service of Tissue Regeneration

Civil engineering is not the most traditional route to tissue regeneration research, but that is how chemical and biomolecular engineering professor and IGB researcher Hyun Joon

Doug Mitchell: Removing Bacteria From Between Rock and Hard Place

As bacteria develop resistance to traditional antibiotics and researchers worldwide seek new ones, Doug Mitchell has explored in directions few others have.