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Potential breakthrough treatment for cystic fibrosis enters clinical trial

Carle Illinois College of Medicine

Clinical testing is underway for a potentially groundbreaking new treatment for cystic fibrosis. Pioneered by scientists at Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the University…

New drug delivery method can reverse senescence of stem cells

Shelby Lawson

As we age, our bodies change and degenerate over time in a process called senescence. Stem cells, which have the unique ability to change into other cell types, also experience…

Ratna Karatgi

Shelby Lawson

Investigating mechanisms behind variation in color of killifish

Growing up in South India, Ratna Karatgi found herself moving between cities as her dad relocated for…

Illinois researchers, Native American tribes working together to curate, increase access to oral histories

Jodi Heckel

Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are working with Native American tribes across the country to digitize oral histories and ethnographic materials…

Team finds reliable predictor of plant species persistence, coexistence

Diana Yates

Like many ecological scientists, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign plant biology professor James O’Dwyer (CAIM) has spent much of his career searching for ways to measure…

Honey bee colony aggression linked to gene regulatory networks

Shelby Lawson

Collective behaviors are present across many different animal groups: schools of fish swimming in a swirling pattern together, large flocks of birds migrating through the night…

New initiative to improve forensic science practices in Illinois

Ananya Sen

The landscape of forensic DNA has shifted in recent years to not only include different types of genetic data, but also expand how DNA can help improve the science and the…

Lisa Surber

Shelby Lawson

Studying behavioral and morphological responses to environmental cues in poison frogs

Ask Lisa Surber her thoughts on science and the natural world and you’ll find…

Two novel effects paired for superior biomarker detection method

Jonathan King

Researchers from Brian Cunningham’s lab, in collaboration with researchers at Washington University, have demonstrated a new capability to detect and count individual…