A new study in Science suggests that thrill-seeking is not limited to humans and other vertebrates. Some honey bees, too, are more likely than others to seek adventure. The…
Not that long ago in a hot spring in Kamchatka, Russia, two groups of genetically indistinguishable microbes parted ways. They began evolving into different species – despite…
The University of Illinois has always been an incubator for innovation and entrepreneurship. Students and faculty alike have invented products, created new processes and…
University of Illinois entomologist and neuroscientist Gene E. Robinson has been named director of the Institute for Genomic Biology, pending approval of the University of…
ABBOTT PARK, Ill. and URBANA, Ill., Dec. 19, 2011 — Abbott and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign announced today they have established the first-ever multi-…
The Center for Nutrition, Learning, and Memory (CNLM), established in a partnership between Abbott and the University of Illinois, requests proposals in a Grand Challenge…
Researchers report they have figured out how the cancer-causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori attacks a cell’s energy infrastructure, sparking a series of events in the cell…
The National Science Foundation has awarded the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) and the School of Integrative Biology a $3.2 million training grant. NSF's Integrative…
Paul Kenis and James Slauch have been named as University Scholars, a program created to recognize the university’s most talented teachers, scholars and researchers.
Jody Endres, the Senior Regulatory associate at the University of Illinois’ Energy Biosciences Institute, is the author of a recently published paper on key issues facing…
Researchers have engineered new sensors that fluoresce in the presence of compounds that interact with estrogen receptors in human cells. The sensors detect natural or human-…
University of Illinois professor Bruce Schatz, a faculty member at the Institute for Genomic Biology, has co-authored a groundbreaking book on Health Informatics, based on his…