Guideline For IGB-Core Remote Computer Access
1. You will have to use the campus vpn to connect to the campus first:
2. Then you will need to connect to the system itself. To do this you will
need to install the ultravnc viewer on your computer:
3. Run the viewer and enter in the name of the system you want to connect
to: (Bryce) (Yellowstone) (Zion) (Teton) (Grand Canyon)
4. The vnc password to connect to the system is: igbcore
If you only want to view what is going on: igbview
5. After this you need to log in like usual with your IGB login ID and password.
6. You will need to reserve the computer on the calendar and also make sure you log out as soon as you finish using the computer remotely, otherwise the next user cannot log-in.