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PSCB 2024-2025


Thursday, September 12



Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

The IGB provides this workshop-based certificate program, Professional Skills for Careers in Biosciences (PSCB), for early career scholars.

The PSCB workshop series is intended for graduate students and postdocs to develop and enhance their universal job skills, including communication, professionalism, interviewing, networking, writing, designing, mentoring, and leadership. Each of the thirteen workshops throughout the year will cover topics related a variety of bioscience career paths, including academia, industry, entrepreneurship, policy, teaching, writing, and others. The course will end with a communications workshop. 

Dates for PSCB

Fall 2024

9/12/24 Week 1: Career Panel
9/26/24 Week 2: Writing a Compelling Resume and CV
10/10/24 Week 3: Journal Editors and Submissions
10/24/24 Week 4: Information Resources and Career Highlights
11/7/24 Week 5: Interviewing and Networking
11/21/24 Week 6: Mastering the Art of Negotiations 
12/5/24 Week 7: Entrepreneurship

Spring 2025 (Topics TBD)

1/30/25 Week 8: Government and Policy
2/13/25 Week 9: Invention and Disclosures and Patenting
2/27/25 Week 10: Leading a Successful Team
3/13/25 Week 11: Design Principles for Scientists
3/27/25 Week 12: Funding in Biosciences
4/12/25 Mandatory Capstone 
to receive certification the capstone is required



Who should attend?

Graduate students and postdocs


