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The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is offering a postdoctoral fellowship in science communications curriculum coordination for scholars who have recently completed their PhD. This position will work in collaboration with the University of Illinois College of Media to develop course materials and oversee student experiential learning for a new Master of Science Journalism degree program. Duties will include contributing to syllabus development; planning and facilitating video-recorded interviews with science faculty instructors; reviewing video content for accuracy and clarity; and identifying supporting educational resources such as articles, books, and public lectures. The goal of this position is contribute to a program that prepares scholars to pursue careers in science communication. The fellow will report to the IGB Outreach team manager. In addition, the fellow will work with the IGB communications and outreach groups to mentor students as they complete independent writing or public engagement projects based upon IGB research. The successful candidate will be a part of the IGB fellows program for researchers and research-adjacent careers, and participate in programmatic activities. The position is for up to two years with an annual stipend of $58,000; in addition, the appointment conveys the standard array of fringe benefits, including health and dental insurance, and 24 paid vacation days annually.

For questions about the fellowship please contact IGB Outreach Manager Claudia Lutz.

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