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Lunch with the Core
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

"Exploring chloroplasts of C4 plants with microscopy"

Moonsub Lee, Postdoctoral Research Assoc., Plant Biology

Instrument: LSM 880 & SBF-SEM

Lunch will be provided

IGB Seminar - RBTE


Stacey Finley, PhD
University of Southern California; Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering

"Computational modeling of the tumor ecosystem"

Join via Zoom

Thriving in Graduate School: Troubleshooting the Mentor Relationship
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

Communication is important in any mentoring relationship, whether you are the mentor or the mentee.  The Graduate Office of Student Success will be presenting on strategies to effectively navigate conflict, and the workshop will also provide resources and tips for getting departmental support.  This workshop is for first-year graduate students.  As always, time for networking and refreshments is included.  This student-run series is funded by a grant from the IGB Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative.  To sign up for our mailing list please visit and watch your email for the announcement.

Lunch with the Core
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

"PEG Microgels as Modular 3D Cell Scaffold and Cytokine Sensor"

Hyeon Ryoo, Graduate Student, Bioengineering

Instrument - LSM 880

Lunch will be provided

Fox Family Lecture
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

Jacob Becraft, PhD
Co-founder and CEO of Strand Therapeutics

"An Academia-to-Biotech Roadmap: Research and Development at the Frontiers of mRNA Therapeutics"

Donut Day!
IGB Concourse Level

Coffee and Donuts while they last!

Lunch with the Core
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

"Introduction to the IGB Core"

Dr. Glenn Fried, Director of Core Facilities, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Instrument: Various

Lunch will be provided

IGB Pioneers Seminar - GNDP
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

James Eberwine, PhD
Elmer Holmes Bobst Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine; University of Pennsylvania

"Beyond Single Cells: Subcellular Single Organelle ‘Omics and Functional Genomics"

Thriving in Graduate School: A Workshop Series for First-Year Students
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

The first year of graduate school comes with some big transitions and uncertainty.  Learning what to expect, and setting healthy boundaries, will help you survive and thrive through these changes.  The first workshop will focus on these topics, and will provide networking with other first-year grad students and an opportunity to sign up for future workshops, along with refreshments for participants.  This student-run series is funded by a grant from the IGB Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative.  To sign up for our mailing list and to RSVP for the workshop, please visit

IGB Seminar - GEGC
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
612 Conference Center

Jian Hua, PhD
Cornell University; Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Plant Biology Section

"Molecular genetic basis for natural variations of temperature responses in plants"